Frequenty Asked Questions

Tips for some of the frequently asked questions, to make your job search swift & a smooth journey.

Resume / Cover letter.

Your covering letter should not be more than a page. It should simply explain who you are and why you are the best candidate very concisely, which will keep the hiring manager waiting for more. Your resume should also be limited to a page in length. Especially, if your work experience is less than 5 years. Employers spend a fraction of seconds on a single resume, hence it is important to impart strong keywords for your resume to stand out.

Most important thing to include in a resume.

Other than your personal details and contact information, your resume should have information about your work history, educational qualifications and related skills. For every job applications, these needs to be tailored. You may add professional recognitions and accomplishments to stand out.

If you don’t have the required experience. Should I apply for the job?

If you think you can pull off the job requirements well, you should definitely apply to the job. If you do not have the required number of years or missing any hard skills, it does not rule you out as an applicant. If you’re the best candidate, years of experience won’t matter in the end.

Dress Code for an interview

Whatever might be the culture of the organization, you are appearing for a job interview, you should be properly dressed. Choose a formal suit for every interview.

Some key ways to make an impact on the hiring manager

→ Practice for interview
→ Do full research about the company, prior to attending the interview
→ Prepare yourself as much as you can, about the job
→ Keep a check on your body posture and have eye contact

Some interview questions, that one should definitely practice, before attending any interview

→Tell me about yourself
→Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now?
→Why should we hire you?
→Do have any questions for us?

Follow up on Interview

If you do not get a response right away, wait till the interviewer’s deadline has passed. If you still do not hear anything, send a brief follow up note and remind the interviewer that how you fit the position well and your interest in the role. You should follow-up maximum 2 more times with an interval of 7-10 days each. If you still do not get a response, you should move on.


A thank you note is very important, so after your interview, send thank you email, with your skills and qualifications and how best / perfectly you fit the job.


It is important to understand your personality first. Your personality is how you market yourself to the employers. Hence, you need it. Showcase your personality on you resume and reflect the same in your interview. In a job market where everything takes place online, your reputation is especially important for landing a job.